Tempel Lipizzan Horses: 60 Exciting Years in the U.S.

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Celebrating 60 years in the United States, descendants of The Smiths hosted a fabulous Diamond Anniversary Gala Performance featuring their extraordinary Lipizzan horses in Wadsworth, Illinois.

Lipizzan Profile

Originally from Austria and arriving in the U.S. in 1958, Tempel Smith and his horses made their new home in Wadsworth, IL and horseback riding was never the same. Specializing in an Olympic style of riding known as dressage, Smith’s talented horses and guest riders recently put on quite a show in front of a large and enthusiastic crowd. Horse aficionados from miles around gathered at the state-of-the-art Tempel Farms to watch a unique display, combining the skills of both equestrian and horse. In the spotlight were Chile’s National Champion riders Oscar Coddou Molina and Favory Duba, guiding world famous Lipizzans through every twist and turn.

Delighting the crowd on this festive evening were foals playing in the outdoor arena as well as young stallions, with all of their swift power visible for all spectators to enjoy. Accompanying the traditional Lipizzans were guest riders and horses from Latin America’s one and only Lipizzan herd. Adding to the terrific atmosphere was the Northbrook Symphony string quartet, providing music for the perfect ambiance as guests mingled with horses and riders alike during a special meet and greet session. Film footage dating back to 1958 presented a never-before-seen glimpse of the original group of Lipizzans as they made their voyage from Austria to Illinois.

Esther Buonanno and Linda Smith Buonanno

The highlight of this 60thAnniversary Diamond Gala was quite a surprise: like figure skaters competing in the Olympics, both teams of horses (from North and South America) performed dance movements in synchronized fashion for what is called an “8 Horse Quadrille.” Spectacular entertainment such as this event, blending the ingenuity of an equestrian from South America with the natural instincts of a horse with a heritage originating over 50 years ago from a different country does not come along every day. Visitors to Tempel Farms on this amazing night were treated to remarkable talent, convincingly showing the delicate link between horses and their riders.

Arny & Irene






About Irene Michaels

Over the past 25 years I have taken on the roles of a producer, publisher, insider journalist and fundraiser. My artistic interests began early in my teens working as a model and a dancer throughout the U.S. I formed my first modeling agency before I was twenty. While modeling I secured a re-occurring role in the popular daytime TV series General Hospital. Read more...