Princesses With A Twist: Happily Ever After Means What?
Since the beginning of time, women have been programmed to believe that finding her prince will be her greatest achievement. Though her accomplishments, contributions, and purpose in society speak volumes, many views a woman’s worth and value in life are meaningless without finding a husband to live happily ever after. Being chosen by his royal highness or hunting their prince down like sport, women soon come face to face with a sacrifice of self that will either grant them their fairy tale wishes or send their “happily ever after” off into the deep dark forest never to be found again. According to Dr. Amelia Case, a princess has more options.
Case, along with her two daughters, 12-year-old Isabella, and 9-year-old Sophia, set off on a mission to change the endings to every princess fairy tale ever told. Creating the book series Princesses With A Twist, Case creates a Part Two to popular tales such as Cinderella. After going through sheer and utter hell to marry her prince, Cinderella goes on to give the red bottom shoe king Christian Louboutin a run for his money by branding her very own footwear empire Cinderella & The Glass Slipper Factory. Now that she is in a great relationship and the CEO of her own glass shoe company, “happily ever after” for Cinderella has an intriguing twist. The continuation of such stories as Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, and Rapunzel in this amazing book series answers the burning question in every little girl’s mind; what happened to these women after they were rescued by a prince and rode off into the sunset on a white horse?
Pumping vision and self-esteem into the imaginations of little girls before bedtime, Princesses With A Twist could possibly take the guilt and pain out of reading fictitious fairy dust for mothers around the world. Horrifying images of spinsters and wicked witches will now be erased. Dr. Case, the owner of Chicago-based Universal Health Institute, is determined to shift an old paradigm by using the same Disney characters that brainwashed so many generations. The Chicago Tribune asked Dr. Case how she intends to by-pass Disney’s copyright infringement. After paying expensive legal fees, Dr. Case, prepared and ready to do battle for what she believes in, responded in her interview by stating Disney characters are public domain and can be used as long as the story is not retold. Disney has nothing to worry about. Dr. Case does not plan to recycle the same old tales of damsels in distress dying until their men arrive.
Ten years in the making, bringing Princesses With A Twist to life has been a great journey for Dr. Case and her daughters. Determined to touch the masses, Dr. Case has set up a Kickstarter campaign with the hopes of reaching $30K. Already at a reported $19,100, supporters are spreading the word with the urgency that Princesses With A Twist is a must-read for every little girl. This book series will not only promote self-development, but Princesses With A Twist will also remind women it is their responsibility to speak the truth, provide wisdom, and give guidance to the generations rising up.
Shaping and molding the minds of young girls exposed to fictitious fairy tale bedtime stories, risquĂ© social media, and sex-crazed pop culture has become a state of emergency. Strength, self-awareness, and a plan for her future is the armor she needs to combat what society dictates she should want, need, and desire. Though a little girl should not have to look beyond the front door for a role model, Princesses With A Twist is a solid backup…just in case.