Caring For Your Horse During COVID-19

With so much uncertainty surrounding the crisis, it’s hard to know what’s next, what works, what doesn’t work, and so on. But when you have a horse or several horses counting on you to care for them, you need to have a plan in place.
Currently, livestock and horses alike are not at risk of getting sick with COVID-19, but the CDC consistently recommends that you stay away or avoid direct contact with animals when sick.
We have put together a few effective and recommended tips for caring for Your Horse During COVID-19, both when at home or trail riding.
Read more below.
- Start by making it easy to identify your horse with their name boldly imprinted on the stall plate or a halter. This is especially helpful when someone other than yourself has to help in caring for your horse.
- Always check in with your feed and bedding supplier to ensure your horse has a steady supply of these essentials.
- If you have someone else caring for your horse, ensure it’s someone you can trust and who is also reliable. Be sure to leave set instructions for feeding and caring for your horse. The instructions should be detailed and include type and amount of feed, bedding, medications, and so on.
- There is no rule against a healthy owner riding a healthy horse or taking your horse for a much needed daily exercise.
- When riding your horse, choose trails with fewer crowds and stay at least 2 meters away from others.
- If there was ever a time to avoid using public hitching posts, now is that time. Only tie your horse to your own trailer or post and have others do the same.
- If you are worried about your horse’s health, don’t hesitate to call a veterinarian. Find out if the veterinarian practices telemedicine as well to put this to use whenever possible.
- If your horse urgently needs a farrier, call your regular farrier to fix an appointment. During the farrier’s visit maintain proper hygiene and social distancing.
- These are suitable times for buddying up with someone in your yard to make caring for your horse even easier and share most activities.
- When trail riding, bring your own materials, food, water, and other necessities to avoid the need to share.
- Hand sanitizers and masks are still an important part of staying safe through the crisis and should be used when outdoors.

If you are worried about not being able to ride as often as before or spend quality time with your horse there are still little things that can help you and your horse buddy cope. These little things include grooming, hand training, photography, online shows, horse agility training, and more.
Your Horse During COVID-19: With more time on your hands, grooming doesn’t have to be rushed. Take the time to bond with your horse over an enjoyable grooming session. Taking pictures of your horse and other activities mentioned also make for better interaction and good quality time together.
Read more from I On The Scene: HERE.