Helping Others During the COVID-19 Outbreak

With the pandemic COVID-19 reshaping lives in the most unexpected ways, several stories have been making the rounds and for each one of us, the impacts of the virus are different but mostly unpleasant. There’s no doubt you have picked up on the panic, fear, and confusion across the media and it can seem quite overwhelming. The good news is, there are also lots of positives in the midst of the chaos and for those looking to help during this time, there are several options.
Donate towards the hungry or sick.
While everyone is at risk of getting infected, groups of people like the homeless, sick, or elderly have the highest vulnerability rates. These groups of people need more help than ever before and you can reach out to them during this outbreak with any of these channels;
- The Center for Disaster Philanthropy– COVID-19 is the latest disaster, and this organization has already set up a COVID-19 Response Fund that is focused on supporting local nonprofits in the most affected areas. The non-profits in question offer a wide range of coronavirus aid including support for healthcare.
- Meals on Wheels– Chances are you are familiar with Meals on Wheels. It’s a charity dedicated to delivering food to seniors in America, especially those who can’t leave their homes. This ensures that these seniors have someone to provide meals for them during this outbreak.
Support small businesses with your purchase.
The business industry has taken a big hit due to the effects of the outbreak, but local small businesses are bound to suffer more. Walk-in purchases or services are been cut down with each passing day. Help local small businesses mitigate future loss by purchasing from them now or even sending gift cards to encourage them.

Take precautions.
The best way you can help yourself and everyone else is to take the necessary precautions to prevent the spread. Regardless of if you are in a high-risk group or not, the preventive measures released by the CDC are for everyone. Wash your hands regularly for 20 seconds at least and keep surfaces clean in the home. Practice social distancing. Cough into your elbow, and avoid touching your face. If you feel sick or possible symptoms of the virus, stay home and call the necessary authorities.
Help those closest to you.
We don’t always have to look far to find those in need of assistance. Check on the homeless in your area, and ask them what they need. Check on your elderly neighbors and help them get groceries or run errands. Calls play a relevant role too, to raise spirits and prevent depression.
Volunteer your skills.
Kids are out of school and hospitals have their work cut out for them. If you have skills that could prove useful, now is the time to put them to use to help as much as you can. You can volunteer your teaching skills to help homeschooling parents, start a meditation class, and much more.
We hope you learned more about how you can help others during the COVID-19 outbreak.
Read more from I On The Scene: HERE.