Lipstick Index vs Mascara Index

Lipstick Index vs Mascara Index: A brief history lesson will enable us to understand the relevance or meaning of the lipstick index.
In the early 2000s, Leonard Lauder, chairman of the board of Estee Lauder coined the term the lipstick index and described it as an economic indicator. He described that purchases of cosmetics especially lipsticks were related to economic health. The idea or opinion behind this was that during economic distress women ditch other luxury items like clothes and shoes and replace them with lipsticks.
As interesting as this may sound, the reality is that lipstick sales have also experienced growth during increased economic activity. Hence, this claim has been discredited.
Regardless, the lipstick index remains an indicator of consumer trends and behaviors. Companies use it to assess consumer confidence. In the case of the coronavirus, the lipstick index might indicate more than the economic recession and pave the way for what is now being called the mascara index.
With people now able to leave their homes, makeup will return to the scene with a new demand but rather than a demand for lipstick, we may see high demands for mascara and other eye makeup items. Chris Ventry, a Vice President of the Consumer and Retail Practice of management consultancy SSA & Company, states it clearly, “As more and more people are wearing masks, they’re emphasizing other forms of makeup. People might get very creative with how they accessorize their eyes.”
If your mouth must be covered then the next best way to treat yourself to a daily luxury is to focus on the eyes.

This will include thick, glossy, and ultra-black mascara that makes your eyes more outstanding and battable. Eyeliners and eye makeup colors that match masks may also be the new normal.
Already, CNN reported that Alibaba has seen a 150% increase in sales of eye cosmetics since mid-February.
Some YouTubers and beauty enthusiasts have already taken to the screens and social media to present mask makeup clips. You can certainly say it’s that time to experiment which colors enhance your iris and just make the eyes pop. Product developers should get a head start now, working double time on everything from eye shadow palettes to eyeliners.
While much is still unclear, we have to be prepared right? In the end, the situation with the coronavirus or maybe the availability of a vaccine can determine if the winner of the battle Lipstick Index vs Mascara Index.
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