Expo Milano 2015: Culture, Cuisine, and the End of Hunger

It is not difficult to understand why Milan is one of the world’s most toured cities. Its beautiful architecture, rich history and culture, and relevance in today’s fashion and entertainment industries make is a top destination for travelers. This year, Milan has served as host to an event that has attracted millions of visitors since May and runs through the end of this month – Expo Milan0.
It has been more than 100 years since the last time the International Exposition (perhaps more commonly known in the States as the World’s Fair) was held in Milan. In 1906, the theme centered around transportation and highlighted the opening of the Simplon Tunnel, which remained the longest railway tunnel in the world for nearly three-quarters of a century. This year, Expo Milano carries a very different theme with delicious implications for both visitors and the global community.
“Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life” is the event’s official title, succinctly describing a broad and complex mission. Even with the great strides taken over the past decade to dramatically reduce the number of people facing undernourishment, population growth in some of the world’s most resource-limited regions will prove to be a continuing challenge. Innovation in food production technology will be needed to support an additional two billion people by 2050. Wrapping up “Food Week” was an address by Secretary of State John Kerry last Saturday who highlighted all these concerns along with the need to address climate change and the political unrest that destabilize nations and perpetuates a refugee crisis and hunger. The Secretary called for the collaboration of the global community to tackle these challenges.But while a huge part of the Expo was dedicated to the immediate and future concerns of food equity, food culture was just as important. Acres upon acres of pavilions boast traditional national cuisine. Celebrated chefs became welcomed attractions each week, visitors flocking for a taste of their prized delicacies. Sounds of concerts and demonstrations create excitement and make long lines worth the wait. Numerous other distinguished guests have visited also Expo Milano, including Sharon Stone, Bono, and Queen Letizia of Spain, pictured here with director Giuseppe Sala.
Read more from I On The Scene: HERE.