I On Beauty

How to Fade Dark Spots

  If you’ve ever had them, then you know how problematic they can be. Dark spots are spots that appear darker than your skin tone. Generally, there are various culprits to blame and sometimes dark spots go away on their own. Other times they don’t. Read on as we uncover …

Jojoba Oil Benefits

Jojoba Oil’s Beauty Benefits

You’ve likely heard of jojoba oil’s beauty benefits and it’s safe to say all the hype is well deserved. Just when you think you’ve tried it all and your beauty routine can’t get any better, we dig up the not-so-secret, secret ingredients that can keep your skin glamorous. The jojoba …

Beauty Benefits of Coffee

Beauty Benefits of Coffee

In this article, we will discuss the many beauty benefits of coffee and how you can start applying them to glow. Most people can’t start their day without it and who can blame them. There’s much to love about coffee, and even though experts beg us to take it in …


Hair Loss & the Side Effects of COVID

“Hair loss is one of the top 15 most common side effects COVID patient’s experience.” What a scary headline, but it gets even scarier when you hear the entire thing. “Some cases (of hair loss) are because of contracting COVID and others are from an intense level of stress on …

COVID 19 Vaccine Potential Side Effects for Dermal Filler Patients

What exactly do we know about the potential side effects of the COVID 19 vaccine on dermal filler patients? You have probably heard the news making the rounds on articles across the web. These discussions have had some people worried about how taking the vaccine might affect them. Some even …

Dolly Parton Fragrance Launch

Dolly Parton Releases Beauty Line

  For all the fans of Country music legend Dolly Parton, the singer-songwriter’s 2020 checked to-do list has certainly been the most exciting! Dolly has recently graced us with a new holiday album, a documentary, and a Christmas movie, news of her financial contribution to fund the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine, …

How to Fix At-Home Hair Color Mistakes

  How to fix at-home hair color mistakes, if there’s one thing being cooped up at home that didn’t help with its hair troubles. Without the help of your professional stylist, it’s easy to want to take things into your own unsteady hands. And before you know it, you are …


Best Cannabidiol (CBD) Body Lotions

  Cannabidiol (CBD) is a naturally occurring compound in the hemp plant. It is an active ingredient used in CBD products, and it’s quite popular in the health and wellness industry.   What makes CBD relevant in health and wellness are the benefits it offers which include pain relief, relaxing …

Beauty and anti aging over 50

I On Beauty: Living Beautifully and Luxuriously Beyond 50

  Who wouldn’t want to live beautifully and luxuriously beyond 50? Unfortunately, most of us struggle to do so for several reasons, and Irene Michaels has delivered on a solution that can help, in I On Beauty. Irene Michaels started her entertainment career at a young age. From childhood to …

Things You Shouldn’t Do After Coloring Your Hair

Get used to the things you shouldn’t do after coloring your hair if you want to sport your new look for as long as possible and protect your hair’s health. Coloring your hair gives you a fresh and vibrant look and probably a lot of compliments. However, the process of …

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