I On The Horse

Horse Diet: Ration Balancer Explained

Have you come to the point where it seems a diet of hay or pasture grasses is no longer sufficient for your horse? Since you can’t always take your hay to the lab, you can take advantage of a recent and potent solution known as Ration Balancer. Don’t panic because this …

Build Trust with Horse

Build Trust with Your Horse

  Build Trust with Your Horse, when it comes to building trust or bonding with others like yourself, it can be a bit easier because you already know what it’s like to be human. With your hoofed friend, it’s different and for some moments you will have to try to …

Braiding Your Horse

Staying Warm When Braiding Your Horse in the Cold

At one point or the other, every horse owner will be faced with the situation of braiding your horse in the cold. But when you finally take that step without ample preparation, you can easily be hit back with the cold and realization that your fingers won’t work as well. …

Owning a horse

The Cost of Owning a Horse

  Few realize that the costs of owning a horse can come across as expensive, but, when we all see these majestic creatures trotting about, children often see horses in a book or in the countryside, and before you know it, they want one. Horses are indeed fascinating animals, and …

Alternatives to Horse Ownership

Alternatives to Horse Ownership

There are various suitable alternatives to horse ownership. Owning a horse can indeed be exciting, but not having the finances shouldn’t put an end to your or your child’s wishes.  See what’s best for you and use it. Co-ownership If you can’t take on the cost of buying and caring …

Beauty and anti aging over 50

I On Beauty: Living Beautifully and Luxuriously Beyond 50

  Who wouldn’t want to live beautifully and luxuriously beyond 50? Unfortunately, most of us struggle to do so for several reasons, and Irene Michaels has delivered on a solution that can help, in I On Beauty. Irene Michaels started her entertainment career at a young age. From childhood to …

Having an Injured Horse

How to Survive the Emotional Roller Coaster of Having an Injured Horse

More often than not, most horse owners get to face the worrying situation of having an injured horse. While your veterinarian can play their part in helping your horse recover, the experience can be emotionally stressful and you need to find ways to cope to help you help your horse …

Trail Riding

Tips to Keep Yourself Safe from COVID-19 When Trail Riding

  Trail riding with your horse can be a great activity for both of you. From feeling refreshed outdoors to a much-needed exercise and bonding experience, you and your hoofed friend have lots to gain. However, given the times we are in, trail riding just simply isn’t as before. Staying …

COVID-19 and the Horse Industry

COVID-19 and the Horse Industry

  COVID-19 and the Horse Industry: It’s safe to say that there is hardly an industry not hit by the pandemic. Regardless of if the changes faced by various industries are positive or negative, the unexpected impact of the coronavirus has been unsettling. While several other industries struggle to survive, …

Caring For Your Horse

Caring For Your Horse During COVID-19

  With so much uncertainty surrounding the crisis, it’s hard to know what’s next, what works, what doesn’t work, and so on. But when you have a horse or several horses counting on you to care for them, you need to have a plan in place. Currently, livestock and horses …