RIDING HOLIDAYS WITH YOUR HORSE: Going on a vacation with your horse has to be every horse lover’s dream. Waking up in an aesthetic location just as the sun rises, looking out the window, and seeing your equine friend grazing on open fields and under golden skies. Nothing beats having …

Horse Massage – Everyone loves a good massage session, and your horse isn’t an exception. A massage is the manipulation of the body’s soft tissue to relieve body stress or tension and pain. It is a great way to relax after a long, hard day at work. Your equine friend …

Flexion and Bend
Any good riding starts with correct flexion and bend. While many people use the words interchangeably when it comes to dressage in horses, there are noteworthy differences. Let’s dive into a quick class on what flexion and bend are, how to best achieve them, and some helpful dressage tips. Defining …

Pivo Review: Horse Tracking Made Easy
Pivo Review: Horse Tracking Made Easy —Â What is the point of having fun if you cannot capture the good moments? One of the challenges of horse riding alone or with a partner is that you cannot ride and take images or videos at the same time. This is where Pivo …

THE BEST HORSE CLIPPERS;Â Grooming your horse is a must for all horse owners, especially during winter. Horses sweat a lot more when ridden in winter. A properly clipped horse is easier to clean after a long winter ride. Not to mention they look way better to anyone. It also makes …

Steed: Crypto Project for Horse Lovers
Steed: Crypto Project for Horse Lovers; NFTs have stormed the cryptocurrency world. Every day new communities launch based on the common interest of their NFT project. If it ever crossed your mind that horse lovers needed to get in on the action, too, then you’d love to know there’s an NFT …

Betty White Quotes That Can Make Us Better Horse People
Betty White passed on peacefully just before her 100th birthday. After investigations by the police, this was the conclusion as Betty was neither sick nor suffering any extended ailments. In fact, since the pandemic hit, Betty spent more time in her home reading, watching TV, and doing crossword puzzles. We …

Hampton Classic Pays it Forward
Hampton Classic Pays it Forward; as we draw closer to the end of summer, the equestrian community is gearing up for one of the largest outdoor horse shows in the United States. The Hampton Classic has delivered an exciting way to end the summer for several decades. Horses and riding …

5 Tips to Help Your Horse Survive Box Rest
Box rest is not a fun time for both you and your horse, but they’re necessary when your horse needs to recover from illness, heal from injury, be protected from harsh weather, or beat down the chances of an infection. The duration for box rest may vary from days, weeks, …

Five Tips for Horse Health!
Five Tips for Horse Health – with the year kicking off strong, one thing you might hope for is to make it to the end of the year with your horse, hale and hearty, because your hoofed friend matters to you. This means that you will need to make …