Iowa Caucuses: One Last Ride Before
With mere days before the Iowa Caucuses, Republican candidates are still vying to position themselves for the fight after the first votes are cast. Some are aiming to win and gain momentum, while others are simply trying to survive to fight on into the primary season.

Election 2016: The Last Rumble Before the Vote
It’s nearly time. After months of campaigning and debating, the first primary contests of the 2016 election season are about to begin. On Feb. 1 Iowans will go to the caucuses, and on Feb. 9 New Hampshire will host the first primary vote. Less than two weeks after that, South Carolinians go to the polls.

Lindsey Graham : Farewell to Yet Another Candidate
This week marks the departure of yet another contender for the Republican presidential nomination. Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina struggled from the very beginning to gain any traction, rarely polling better than one-percent and being perpetually relegated to the undercard debates.