Comic Crusaders A Nostalgic Piece of a Real Childhood, Transformed Into Superhero Script
Richard Rose has been many things during his life: tennis player, magician, bible seller, Army man, financial advisor. However, writing fiction has always been a constant passion in his life. During virtually all those roles — maybe not the financial advisor one –, Richard had a faithful companion: …

The Gumshoe by Richard Rose
The city of Chicago is as much a character in Richard Rose’s novel The Gumshoe as its main character, private investigator Mathew “Matt” McBride. As the story unfolds, the reader accompanies McBride through the streets of post-war Chicago, visiting such landmarks as the Green Mill jazz club, the Chicago Board …

The Lazarus Conspiracies Premiers in Chicago
Chicago’s literary society wonderfully turned out for the Chicago premier of acclaimed Streeterville novelist Richard Rose’s new murder mystery “The Lazarus Conspiracies.”

Richard Rose: Author of The Lazarus Conspiracies
Richard Rose, a popular and compassionate author, comes from a middle class family in Kokomo, Indiana. After three-and-a-half years in the U.S. Army, he came to our beautiful city, Chicago.