How to Care for Your Face Mask
How to Care for Your Face Mask, the last thing you want is to suffer breakouts from using your mask without care. Since face masks or any form of face-covering have become a part of our daily lives when going outdoors, it’s important to properly care for them. Don’t …
Luxury RV Vacations
Luxury RV Vacations: When it comes to luxury vacations, thoughts of airlines, campgrounds, exotic hotels, and locations bubbling with huge crowds are the sort of images that come to mind. Well, all that has changed now since COVID-19 came into the picture. The good news is, luxury vacations don’t …
Luxury Brands That Have Joined the COVID-19 Fight
Luxury brands make up a large part of the industries that have taken a hit, but rather than stay down several of these brands have taken big steps to join in the COVID-19 fight. Here are some luxury brands doing their part to provide relief and help millions of …
The Legacy of Terrence McNally
  Tony-winning playwright Terrence McNally died on the 24th of March 2020 at 81 years old from complications related to COVID-19. We know he will certainly be missed but the legacy of Terrence McNally lives on. “A lot of people stop learning in life,” said the New York-based playwright Terrence …
StarCruncher By Nikki Haskell: Fitness in a Bag!
Nikki Haskell is a female entrepreneur and leader with many talents and careers under her belt. From finance to entertainment and fitness, she is one of the most versatile, glamorous, and influential public figures to date. Although raised in Beverly Hills, she was born in Chicago and graduated from the …
Betrayal: When the Government Took Over the Teamsters Union Review
There is an undeniably sad fact: It’s extremely easy to associate a union labor organization with blackmail, corruption, and mafia. The International Brotherhood of Teamsters, one of the labor unions with the greatest historical presence in the United States and Canada, is not immune to that trend. You just have …
Megan O’Brien & FreshStart DogiPack
Are you a dog parent or do you just own a dog? How do you cope with walking one or more dogs or taking them out with you? If you fumble with stuff and just wish, there was a better way to stay organized while keeping your pups by …
Shameless Pets – Upcycling
       Shameless Pets is a manufacturer of dog treats and they are using a process called upcycling which is new, fresh, unique, and actively benefits the ecosystem. We are all guilty of throwing food away at some point. In fact, food wastage occurs from the …
Best Architect in the Hamptons: Bill Sclight
In this modern age, home and building designs have taken a different turn. More and more homes that leave you speechless are erected at every corner. The right architect can make a home the coziest work of art. Hence, from looking amazing to fulfilling your needs, architects like Bill …