Kilian’s New Liquor-Inspired Fragrances
Kilian’s New Liquor-Inspired Fragrances — We’ve had to come to terms with several novel trends, but curating designer fragrances after liquor ranks high on the list of novel trends worthy of recognition. If it were any person other than Kilian Hennessy jr., such a feat might have been impossible to pull …

Jojoba Oil’s Beauty Benefits
You’ve likely heard of jojoba oil’s beauty benefits and it’s safe to say all the hype is well deserved. Just when you think you’ve tried it all and your beauty routine can’t get any better, we dig up the not-so-secret, secret ingredients that can keep your skin glamorous. The jojoba …

Best Dealcoholized Wines to Drink
Best Dealcoholized Wines to Drink: Not drinking when everyone around you is, tends to be quite boring. It gets worse if you are not feeling the need to indulge in alcohol or probably never liked it at all to begin with. Thankfully, we live in a world where producers …

Reasons Why Renee Zellweger Will Win the Best Actress Oscar for Judy
After being nominated for her role in the film Judy, people wonder what’s to stop Renee Zellweger from winning the best actress Oscar for Judy. Apparently, the answer is nothing. What does it take to win an Oscar? A lot, but then again Renee seems to have it covered. For starters, …

Raquel Welch Almost 80 and Still Fabulous
If you are a fan of pop culture, then the name Raquel Welch should ring a bell. She is a pop culture icon who has kept it sizzling hot for decades. Now almost 80, Raquel Welch is still beautiful, gorgeous, and a sex symbol to fathers and grandfathers. What’s …

Equestrian Subscription Boxes
For some people, a horse is more than a ride. They can be very people friendly and quickly become a member of your family or a much-loved pet. There’s nothing better you can offer your hoofed friend than a lot of love and pampering. This is where equestrian subscription …

Christie Brinkley and Dancing with the Stars
“Showbiz is all about getting a break, and Sailor and I both got one on Dancing With the Stars this season. Sailor joined the cast when I got mine,” said Christie Brinkley following a series of events which we are about to give the full gist on. Dancing With the Stars …

Old Town Road
For those who have been updating their playlists the hit song, Old Town Road should be very familiar. Old Town Road has become more than good music to your ears and has broken records in the industry. But let’s start at the beginning before diving into the achievements. Old Town …

Bamboo Equestrian Products
A lot of us still think of bamboo as a stubborn woody plant found in thickly wooded areas. Well, times are changing and researchers have discovered that bamboo could be the next big thing. Bamboo is the largest existing grass with thousands of species spread across the world. It can …