104th White House Correspondents’ Dinner
The annual dinner celebrating the First Amendment and marking the 104th White House Correspondents’ Dinner took place at the Washington Hilton Hotel with all individuals in the political news community closely watching. This significant event originated in the year 1874 with a state dinner honoring David Kalakaua, the last king …

The Politics of Fashion – NYFW 2017
This week, I applaud those that chose to use their platform on the runways at New York Fashion Week, which just ended, to share and strut political statements

The Long, Slow Death of the Republican Establishment
The deaths of Nancy Reagan and Antonin Scalia have come to be emblematic of the death of that age-old beast: The Republican Party Establishment. These two figures, deeply embedded in the conservative hierarchy for many decades, were some of the last figures of a bygone era in GOP politics, one …

Nancy Reagan: A Legacy of Style
When the devastating news of the passing of former First Lady, Nancy Reagan, was first announced, political views were cast aside and people joined together in mourning one of America’s most beloved women.

Power & Politics: The Enduring Importance of the World Economic Forum
Ever since 1971, Davos in Switzerland has played host to a unique event, one that draws the leading lights in business, economics, politics, and public advocacy together to discuss the major issues facing the world. The World Economic Forum took place this month, and its stellar line-up of guests and speakers reveals how relevant and important this event still is.

The GOP Has Lost Control
While the Democrats have been running a fairly ordered campaign season (thanks in no small measure an unstoppable frontrunner scaring most challengers off), the Republican race has gone off the rails. It is clear that the Republican National Committee and party grandees no longer have control of their party or their nominating process.

Bilderberg: The Most Important Event You’ve Never Heard Of
The Bilderberg Group met in Copenhagen, Denmark from May 29th to June 1st to discuss matters of global import. Named after the Hotel Bilderberg where the first conference was held in 1954, Bilderberg has held meetings every year since then between many of the world’s top political, economic, and business …