I On Luxury Lifestyle

50th Chicago International Film Festival

50th Chicago International Film Festival

A vision Michael Kutza had back in 1965 materialized on the evening of Thursday, October 9th with a milestone 50th Chicago International Film Festival. Inspired by Sun-Times legendary columnist Irv Kupcinet, Michael Kutza never lost sight of his goals and was determined from the beginning to make Chicago a magnificent, …

Jackie Kennedy: The Woman Who Transformed The White House

Jackie Kennedy was the woman who transformed the White House. Her effortless grace, smart style, and abundant charm captured the affections of the American public and dignitaries around the world.

Hot Doug’s

A Farewell to Hot Doug’s

Located at the corner of Roscoe Street and California Avenue in Avondale, hundreds of people lined up about five blocks down Roscoe to get a last taste of Doug’s amazing gourmet hot dogs.


What Halston, Minnelli & Mosbacher Have In Common

It has been nearly twenty-five years since American fashion designer Halston passed away, but his artistic legacy remains a permanent feature of American style.

Lyon: The Forgotten City And Gastronomical Capital of France

Lyon: The Forgotten City And Gastronomical Capital of France what come to mind when you think of France? Probably the Eiffel Tower, maybe a box full of Macaroons or freshly baked pastries. Perhaps a man with a striped boatneck shirt with a baguette tucked snugly under his arm. When planning …

Why Might There Be No 15th Dalai Lama? Pure Politics.

Last week the Dalai Lama, the religious leader of the Tibetan people, announced that he might not reincarnate, a suggestion that has sparked a flurry of commentary and speculation about the future of the Tibetan independence movement. All of this controversy over whether the Dalai Lama will or won’t reincarnate …

Eric-LaSalle Auto Ship

James Bond and the Erie-LaSalle

Excited James Bond fans from all over the city gathered on Sept. 6th for a once in a lifetime event: the landmark 80th anniversary of Erie-La Salle Auto Body Shop and the 50th anniversary of James Bond.

Time to Stop Worrying About GMOs

Organically grown food is particularly favored over genetically modified foods (GMOs). Indeed, it is hard to find an upscale restaurant or grocery store that does not loudly proclaim its non-GMO status. The organic food movement grows every year. Many people are attracted to its acclaimed health benefits and superior produce …

Joan Rivers

Joan Rivers : A Fashion Authority Who Was Never Afraid to Tell the Truth

To say Joan Rivers is hilarious would be an understatement. The outspoken 81-year old comedienne is most commonly known for being the main host on E!’s Fashion Police.

Lamplight Equestrian Center: A Guiding Light For All Aspiring Riders

About 41 miles West of Chicago nestled in the little town of Wayne lies a world – class sportsman’s paradise: Lamplight Equestrian Center… even Mr. Ed would be jealous!